Liquid Strips
10 projects of Mixité on the river front of Pittsburgh

Saggio: FitzGibbon Studio IV

Antonino Saggio
FitzGibbon Visiting Professor Chair
Department of Architecture

ext.: 81963 mm204a

Studio Home Page

Project Development: Presentation interim review Monday November 5

You may want to read now this text, that gives the overall direction and philosophy of what we are doing. It is important that you feel the specific reasons of this design work.
"A manifesto for an architecture of Information"

During the period of my absence - and with the guidance of architect Matt Fineout- you have to carry on the specific subpart of your project that you think we agreed is the most appropriate. Do not consider your overall scheme as an absoute must: it is natural that some features are modified while you are developing the specific buildings. Consider its general characteristics rather that the detail.
For this Interim Review of November 5 you are requested to present:

A. 3 comparable buildings that present similarities with what you are proposing. Study them very carefully and try to understand  their construction and distribution systems in order to have a possible guidance for your design

B. A "study" model at scale 1" to 20' of your chosen part. It is important that the model is a instrument for thinking and experimenting rather than "a presentation" tool. Do it as much as possible from free re-assembled parts.

C. You have to start producing orthogonal drawings at 1" to 20' (at least a plan and 2 sections) of the buildings. Concentrate on distribution and construction systems and on your  strategies to address occupancy issues.

D. A one page report which includes:
- Your client point of view on your mid term and on this project development
- Your reviewer point of view on mid term and project development following the list below:

Here is a possible allocation of persons to critics

"Gary Carlough" <>

"Patty Clark scmu2001" <>
"Sze Wee (Sylvia) Scmu 2001" <>
"Stefan Hurray Scmu 2001" <>

"Stephanie Bartos" <>

"Cindy Kress scmu 2001" <>
"Edward S Parker Scmu2001" <>
"Kendra Wan scmu2001" <>
"Miya Muraki Scmu 2001" <

"Robert Kobet" <>

"Anthony G Wee Scmu2001" <>
"Andy Mei Scmu 2001" <>
"Casey Hickerson Scmu 2001" <>

For on line reviews, problems and correspondence please refer to my email